
La Malinche

La Malinche is located in Mexico. It has an elevation of 1920 meters above sea level. It is located at the following coordinates: (19.2308, -98.0319)

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Overview: La Malinche can be put into the 'moderate day hike' categroy but it is more than that. At 4,460m it is a high altitude hike that deserves some respect as you will certainly feel the effects of altitude but it is a great mountain to take in if you are in Mexico.

Base Camp: There is a 'resort' area at 3000 m (9800 ft) - "Centro Vacacional Malintz??n" - which has very comfortable cabins and camping. It is an ideal location to acclimatize and start an ascent of the volcano. There is a basketball and volleyball court, two restaurants, a gift shop and several small shops with basic snacks and drinks. There is also a synthetic 400m running track nearby too!

Standard Route: When I hiked this peak with my girlfriend we stayed in the resort and set out at 8am in the morning. The access road passes the resort area and continues partway up the mountain, switchbacking most of the way. The hiking trail to the summit begins at the resort area, cutting across the road  (more...)

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