
Description of Kanchenjunga

Kanchenjunga is located in Nepal. It has an elevation of 8586 meters above sea level. It is located at the following coordinates: (27.7031, 88.1474).
This description was written by Anonymous, about Kanchenjunga.
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Kangchenjunga in the Himalayan Range, is the third highest mountain in the world.
Three of the five peaks (main, central, and south) are on the border of the Indian North Sikkim and Taplejung District of Nepal, while the other two are completely in Taplejung District.
The huge massif of Kangchenjunga is buttressed by great ridges running roughly due east to west and north to south, forming a giant 'X'.
These ridges contain a host of peaks between 6,000 and 8,000 metres. On the east ridge in Sikkim, is Siniolchu (6,888 m/22,600 ft).
Kangchenjunga is known for its famous views from the hill station of Darjeeling. On a clear day, it presents an image not as much of a mountain but of a white wall hanging from the sky. T
he people of Sikkim revere Kangchenjunga as a sacred mountain. Permission to climb the mountain from the Indian side is rare, but sometimes allowed.
Because of its remote location in Nepal and difficult access from India, the Kangchenjunga region is not much explored by trekkers.
It has, therefore, retained much of its pristine beauty. In Sikkim too, trekking into the Kangchenjunga region has just been permitted.
The Goecha La trek is gaining popularity amongst tourists. It goes to the Goecha La Pass, located right in front of the huge southeast face of Kangchenjunga.
Another trek to Green Lake Basin has recently been opened for trekking.
This goes to the Northeast side of Kangchenjunga along the famous Zemu Glacier.

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